Python Sort List
Python Program to Sort the List According to the Length of the Words Hey There Python Geeks , In this python tutorial , I have shown how to sort the list according to the length of the words. Consider a python list : list =['bye bye bye','hi','good morning','YouTube'] Take an empty list : empty_list = [ ] Take another empty list : final_list = [ ] Now, we need to find the length of the words which are there in the list and that can be done as : for i in list: For every word in the list, we need to add the length of the words to the empty_list : empty_list.append(len(i)) We have every word length in empty_list ,we need sort the empty_list ,so that we can have the words in order of low to high : empty_list.sort() Take for loop for every element in empty_list and another for loop for every element in list : for i in empty_list: ...